Flexible compact system for a comprehensive Talks, Editing or Dubbing suite – key feautres include:
- Microphone channels with voice dynamic processing
- 100mm linear P&G faders
- Assignable audio equalisation and filtering
- Remote controlled monitor systems for voice booth or small studio area
- Machine remote control interfaces
- Input Chanels for :
-Up to 8 channel faders
-Up to 6 microphone inputs
-2 Microphone channel voice processors
-Channels configured for analogue or digital inputs - Optional digital telephone hybrid interface
- All inputs can be assigned to one of two equalisers.
- Local monitoring system with the following :
- Monitor selection including three external inputs
- Loudspeaker output with controls
- Presenter and Guest headphone outputs with independent controls/inject/mix options
- Remote monitoring system with the following :
- Monitor selection including three external inputs
- Loudspeaker output with controls
- Presenter and Guest headphone outputs with independent controls/inject/mix options
- Station interarea communications
- Desk Outputs, record outputs and clean feeds supplied to suit application
- Mixed Prefade and return talkback loudspeaker
- May be used with routing assignment facilities.